Voter Fraud Convictions in Kentucky, 2016-2020

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Conviction Details
Potential Election Impact
1.Election Year: 2016
Name: Keith Justice
Party Affiliation: Republican[1]News-Express Staff Report, “First Filing Deadline for Local, State, National Races,”, February 1, 2018

Offense and Sentencing:
Keith Justice pleaded guilty on 8/17/2017 to “four counts of attempting to intimidate an election officer and one count of attempting to interfere with an election” (all felonies) in relation to offenses committed during the 2016 statewide primary election.[2]WSAZ, “Pike County Man Sentenced on Election Fraud Charges.”, August 14, 2017 and Lane Report, “Pike County Man Indicted for Election Fraud,”, June 14, … Continue reading Justice was sentenced to 30 days of home incarceration, a $500 fine, and had his private investigator’s license revoked for a year.[3]WSAZ, “Pike County Man Sentenced on Election Fraud Charges.”, August 14, 2017
“A private detective who worked for state Senate Minority Leader Ray Jones pleaded guilty Monday to four counts of attempting to influence an election officer and one count of attempting to interfere with an election. … The charges stem from [Keith] Justice’s actions at the Phelps precinct in Pike County during the May 17, 2016, primary election. According to a news release from Beshear’s office, interviews with four election officers showed that Justice ‘came into the precinct and showed a badge stating he was investigating election fraud.’ The news release said Justice directed the workers to give written and audio-recorded statements and collected a copy of the precinct sheriff’s report. The precinct workers would not have cooperated with Justice ‘had they known he was not a law enforcement officer,’ the news release said.”[4]Tom Loftus, “State Senator’s Private Detective Pleads Guilty to Charges of Intimidating Poll Workers,”, August 15, 2017

Case Notes:
Case Number: Not Found
Type of Election:
Election Intimidation / Interference before a Primary

Party Affiliation:

Theoretical Election Effect:
No effect on Congressional or Presidential elections

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1 News-Express Staff Report, “First Filing Deadline for Local, State, National Races,”, February 1, 2018
2 WSAZ, “Pike County Man Sentenced on Election Fraud Charges.”, August 14, 2017 and Lane Report, “Pike County Man Indicted for Election Fraud,”, June 14, 2016
3 WSAZ, “Pike County Man Sentenced on Election Fraud Charges.”, August 14, 2017
4 Tom Loftus, “State Senator’s Private Detective Pleads Guilty to Charges of Intimidating Poll Workers,”, August 15, 2017