Voting-related Litigation: DC (District of Columbia)

1. Wisconsin Voters Alliance, et al. v. Michael Richard Pence, United States Vice President, et al.

(Filed December 22, 2020, 1:20-cv-03791; Voluntarily dismissed January 7, 2021, 1:20-cv-03791; Order referring Plaintiffs’ attorney to Committee on Grievances February 19, 2021, 1:20-cv-03791-JEB; Appeal pending as of January 17, 2022)

US District Court: Wisconsin Voters Alliance, et al. v. Michael Richard Pence, United States Vice President, et al. was filed in United States District Court, District of Columbia, on December 22, 2020. The case was brought seeking declaratory relief, stating that the November 3, 2020, General Elections process was improper for a wide variety of reasons. The case was assigned to the Hon. James E. Boasberg, a Democratic appointee. Plaintiffs also sought a preliminary injunction to stop certification of the presidential election, but the motion was denied. On January 7, 2021, Plaintiffs dropped the suit through a voluntary dismissal.

Judge Boasberg referred Plaintiffs’ attorney to the Committee on Grievances on February 19, 2021, for the board to address the baselessness of the lawsuit detailed by the judge in his Memorandum.

US Court of Appeals: On March 3, 2021, Plaintiffs appealed Judge Boasberg’s decision to the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit. Oral argument was heard on December 2, 2021, before the Hon. David S. Tatel and the Hon. Ketanji Brown Jackson, both Democratic appointees, and the Hon. Gregory G. Katsas, a Republican appointee. The decision is pending as of January 17, 2022.

Issues: Fraud (private money used to control the election); Vote-by-mail (fraud related to drop boxes); Ballot counting (observers barred, ballot curing)

Outcome: Since the Plaintiff did not prevail, this is considered a loss.

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